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Eftirfarandi ašilar hafa fyllt śt form til aš leita sér aš samstarfsašilum ķ Evrópu meš rannsóknasamstarf ķ huga. Ef žś hefur frekari įhuga į einhverjum af žeim verkefnahugmyndum sem birtast hér aš nešan eša hefur hug į žvķ aš setja fram eigin verkefnahugmynd hafšu žį samband viš Björn Gķslason, s: 460-7970, eša Birkir Ķvar Gušmundsson, s: 570-7100.
Kontoveros, Grikkland Production of sourimi products
University of Thessaly, Grikkland Organic Aquaculture
Zorpa, Kżpur Environment Management Engineering
IceCage, Ķsland Development and installation of offshore aquaculture and fishing equipment
Haliotis, Ķsland Abalone farming
Seawave Fisheries, Kżpur Experimental breed of the open sea fish "Marbled Spinefood" or "Siganus Rivulates"
Seawave Fisheries, Kżpur Development of a master production plan for fish farming operations
University of Thessaly, Kżpur Artificial Reefs
Warsaw Agricultural University, Pólland Improvement of the mass restocking material production and restocking strategies as a tool in maintenance or enhancement fluvial cyprinids occurance and river biodiversity
Euroconsultants S.A., Grikkland Quality and traceability of fish and related products
France Haliotis, Frakkland Developement of the European abalone industry, assist abalone growers and enhcance natural stock
Eco-Abalone, Grikkland Sustainable culture of the saltwater "Marble spinefood" fish, "Siganus Rivulatus"
Blue Island Holdings, Kżpur Organic Aquaculture
Scanbio ASA, Noregur Products based on marine protein and marine oils
Krakow Agricultural University, Pólland The effects of breeding and feeding conditions on cholesterol and fatty acids content in fish
Maritime Reasearch Institute, Pólland Water management and maritime engineering
Inland Fisheries Institue, Pólland Fish farming and developement of inland fisheries
Eco_Abalone, Grikkland Sustainable polyculture of freshwater species