Stašsetning Akureyri og Reykjavķk
Višburšur Brautargengi - nįmskeiš hefjast 25. janśar į Akureyri og ķ Reykjavķk
Brautargengi - nįmskeiš um gerš višskiptaįętlana fyrir konur sem vilja hrinda višskiptahugmynd ķ framkvęmd og hefja eigin atvinnurekstur
Nęstu Brautargengisnįmskeiš hefjast ķ Reykjavķk og į Akureyri 25. janśar nk. Nįmskeišin standa ķ 15 vikur og ķ lokin hafa žįtttakendur unniš fullbśna višskiptaįętlun.
Hafšu samband viš Arnheiši Jóhannsdóttur, verkefnisstjóra Brautargengis į landsbyggšinni ķ s: 460 7974 eša Sigrķši Ingvarsdóttur, verkefnisstjóra Brautargengis ķ Reykjavķk ķ sķma 570 7269.
2006-2-13 26.1.2006
Stašsetning Išntęknistofnun
Višburšur Vetni sem orkuberi, framleišsla, geymsla og notkun vetnis
Vetni sem orkuberi, framleišsla, geymsla og notkun vetnis eru lykilatriši ķ nżtingu vetnis hérlendis, hvort sem er ķ samgöngum eša til išnašarnota.
Išntęknistofnun hefur undanfarna mįnuši unniš svokallašan vetnisvegvķsi fyrir išnašarrįšuneytiš žar sem staša Ķslands er skošuš og metiš hvar og hvernig rökrétt er fyrir Ķslendinga aš leggja įherslur.
Meš žessu bréfi vil ég fyrir hönd skipuleggjenda bjóša žér til fundar um vegvķsinn, von okkar er sś aš į žessum fundi verši kynntar įherslur sem vonandi vekja upp umręšur og aš žetta skapi žannig grundvöll fyrir aš endanleg śtgįfa į vetnisvegvķsi innihaldi sjónarmiš sem flestra įhugaašila um vistvęna orkugjafa.
Fundurinn veršur haldinn fimmtudaginn 26 janśar nk. į Išntęknistofnun Ķslands, Keldnaholti og hefst stundvķslega kl. 14.00
Fundarstjóri: Ingólfur Žorbjörnsson
14.00. Vetnisvegvķsir og stefna stjórnvalda ķ vetnismįlum.
Baldur Pétursson, Deildarstóri Išnašar og Višskiptarįšuneyti.
14.15 Vegvķsir um vetnismįl
Gušbjörg Óskarsdóttir, Verkefnisstjóri Išntęknistofnun.
14.45 Vetni og orkufyrirtękinn, vetnisvegvķsirinn įherslur og framtķšarsżn.
Fulltrśi Landsvirkjunar.
Žorleifur Finsson, Svišstjóri Orkuveitu Reykjavķkur.
15.00 Umręšur um vetnisvegvķsi.
16.00 Fundi slitiš
Vinsamlega tilkynniš žįtttöku į netfangiš [email protected]
2006-2-13 3.2.2006
Stašsetning Reykjavķk
Višburšur Ķ fótspor McDonalds
Ķ fótspor McDonalds er stutt og markvisst nįmskeiš ķ stofnun og rekstri sérleyfisfyrirtękja. Nįmskeišiš hentar öllum žeim sem hafa įhuga į śtrįs og vexti eign fyrirtękja eša eru ķ leit aš nżjum tękifęrum. Efni nįmskeišsins er einnig forvitnilegt öllu įhugafólki um verslun og višskipti hér heima og erlendis.
Aš nįmskeiši loknu eiga žįtttakendur aš hafa öšlast hęfni til aš meta hvort sérleyfi hentar žeirra markmišum og framtķšarsżn įsamt žekkingu į hvernig stašiš er aš stofnun og rekstri sérleyfiskerfisfyrirtękja.
Nįnari upplżsingar og skrįning
2006-2-13 7.2.2006
Stašsetning Akureyri
Višburšur Nżtt nįmskeiš į Akureyri - Sóknarbraut
Nįmskeišiš Sóknarbraut er įtta vikna nįmskeiš um rekstur fyrirtękja meš įherslu į markašssetningu, stjórnun og fjįrmįl.
Sóknarbraut hentar sérstaklega vel einstaklingum sem starfa sem stjórnendur ķ minni fyrirtękjum og einstaklingum sem hafa hug į aš stofna eigiš fyrirtęki eša hrinda ķ framkvęmd višskiptahugmynd.
Fyrsta nįmskeišiš hefst 7. febrśar nk.
2006-2-13 10.2.2006
Višburšur INNO-TRANSPORT - TTTDay on Logistics and Transport Technologies
AREA Science Park/IRC IRENE, in the frame of the INNOVATION fair, the international fair of innovation of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (North-Eastern Italy), promotes INNO-TRANSPORT.
The TTTDay, to be held on 10th February 2006, will bring together suppliers and users of technology and know-how to discuss solutions and new opportunities for the future.
Sectors addressed:
Logistics and Transport Infrastructures
Information and Management Systems
Communication and Navigation Systems
2006-2-13 14.2.2006
Višburšur Brokerage event - 3GSM World Congress 2006 Technology Transfer Day
IRC Catalonia will organise on 14th February 2006 a brokerage event in the frame of the trade fair 3GSM World Congress 2006. This event will facilitate agreements between technology providers, companies, researchers, technical associations and institutions, in such a way that the participants will generate real opportunities for business by means of aimed-to-agreement bilateral interviews.
This brokerage event has NO COST and you will get a free visitor ticket for the main fair allowing visiting all the stands (saving 599 ).
Fira de Barcelona will be holding the international trade fair for this premier mobile event, 3GSM World Congress 2006, from 13th to 16th February 2006 in Barcelona, acknowledged as a world reference for those who want to innovate, perfect and discover greater opportunities to increase their knowledge. It is a unique opportunity for finding out about the advances in this dynamic sector and the latest news.
This event is addressed to telecommunication operators, application developers, service providers, systems integrators, IT hardware, value added services and content companies, handheld devices manufacturers, wireless and network products manufacturers, consultancy firms and any other form of mobile-related institutions.
For further information in http://www.3gsmworldcongress.com/
2006-2-13 14.2.2006
Stašsetning Reykjavķk
Višburšur Nįmskeiš ķ stofnun og rekstri verslunar
Ef žś ert ķ verslunarrekstri og vilt nį enn betri įrangri žį er žetta tękifęriš til aš fara ķ gegnum reksturinn og endurskoša starfssemina.
Ef žś hefur įhuga į aš stofna og reka verslun žį er žetta tękifęriš til aš gera meta višskiptahugmyndina og gera višskiptaįętlun.
Į nįmskeišinu veršur fjallaš um lykil įrangursžętti viš stofnun, rekstur og uppsetningu verslunar. Sérstök įhersla er lögš į vinnu meš višskiptatękifęriš, gerš višskiptaįętlunar og ašra įętlanagerš ķ tengslum viš reksturinn.
Fyrir hverja?
Verslunareigendur, verslunarstjóra og alla žį sem hafa įhuga į aš stofna og reka verslun.
Nįnari upplżsingar og skrįning
2006-2-13 14.2.2006
Stašsetning Reykjavķk
Višburšur Verkefnastjórnun - lykill aš įrangri
Reynslan sżnir aš ašferšir verkefnastjórnunar leiša til betri įrangurs og markvissari vinnubragša ķ allri verkefnavinnu.
Į nįmskeišinu er ķtarlega fjallaš um ašferšir verkefnastjórnunar og markmišiš er aš žįtttakendur geti beitt žeim af öryggi og fagmennsku aš nįmskeiši loknu.
Fyrir hvern?
Nįmskeišiš er ętlaš öllum žeim sem vilja nį leikni ķ stjórnun og skipulagningu einstakra verkefna. Nįmskeišiš er sérstaklega įhugavert fyrir žį sem bera įbyrgš į eša stżra innleišingu breytinga ķ fyrirtękjum.
Nįnari upplżsingar og skrįning
2006-2-13 15.2.2006
Stašsetning Reykjavķk
Višburšur Straumlķnustjórnun - Lean Management
Viltu hįmarka viršisauka og lįgmarka sóun ķ žķnu fyrirtęki?
Aušvitaš svarar žś jįtandi žvķ žetta tvennt er mešal helstu įhrifažįtta ķ velgengni fyrirtękja.
Į nįmskeišinu veršur hugmyndafręši og helstu ašferšir straumlķnustjórnunar kynntar. Ašalįhersla er lögš į kynningu 5S ašferšafręšinnar og beitingu 5S sem verkfęris til aš koma į skipulögšum og ögušum vinnubrögšum.
Fyrir hverja?
Nįmskeišiš er ętlaš stjórnendum ķ fyrirtękjum og stofnunum sem vilja innleiša nżja hugsun og leggja grunn aš markvissri og stöšugri vinnu meš umbótaverkefni.
Nįnari upplżsingar og skrįning
2006-2-13 15.2.2006
Stašsetning Landsbyggšin
Višburšur Frumkvöšlastušningur - umsóknarfrestur til 15. febrśar
Śthlutun Frumkvöšlastušnings fer fram tvisvar sinnum į įri og er umsóknarfrestur auglżstur ķ hvert sinn. Fyrsta umsóknarfresti įrsins lżkur 15. febrśar 2006, sķšan er gert rįš fyrir aš śthlutaš verši śr Frumkvöšlastušningi ķ október 2006. Styrkir eru veittir til nżsköpunarverkefna į landsbyggšinni og getur stušningur viš frumkvöšul numiš allt aš 400 žśs. kr. gegn jafnhįu framlagi styrkžega.
Nįnari upplżsingar og umsóknareyšublaš.
2006-2-13 15.2.2006
Stašsetning Reykjavķk
Višburšur Stjórnun og rekstur mötuneytis
Lżsing Hiš sķvinsęla nįmskeiš ķ stjórnun og rekstri mötuneytis sem nś er haldiš ķ sjöunda sinn, er ętlaš starfandi og veršandi stjórnendum mötuneyta sem vilja efla sig ķ starfi og auka sjįlfsstraustiš. Nįmskeišiš hentar jafnt starfsfólki ķ fjölmennum sem fįmennum mötuneytum.
Markmiš nįmskeišsins er aš žįtttakendur öšlist fęrni og žekkingu til aš stjórna og reka mötuneyti ķ samręmi viš nśtķma kröfur um nęringu, hreinlęti, öryggi, gęši og hagkvęmni ķ rekstri.
Samtals hafa um 100 nśverandi og veršandi stjórnendur mötuneyta sótt nįmskeišiš og kannanir okkar benta til aš aukins sjįlfstrausts og faglegs metnašar žįtttakenda.
Nįnari upplżsingar og skrįning
2006-2-13 17.2.2006
Stašsetning Reykjavķk
Višburšur Įętlanagerš, rekstrarvišmiš og eftirfylgni
Žarft žś aš skipuleggja tķmann og tekjurnar sjįlf/ur? Ef svo er žį er žekking į įętlanagerš afar mikilvęg fyrir žig!
En hvaš er įętlun? Įętlun er lżsing į žvķ hvernig į aš nį settum markmišum. Į nįmskeišinu veršur žvķ fjallaš um raunhęfa įętlanagerš į żmsum svišum til lengri eša skemmri tķma.
Nįmskeišiš er ętlaš öllum žeim sem stunda eigin atvinnurekstur eša žurfa į annan hįtt aš skipuleggja tķma sinn og tekjur sjįlfir.
Nįnari upplżsingar og skrįning
2006-2-13 20.2.2006
Stašsetning Reykjavķk
Višburšur Įtak til atvinnusköpunar - umsóknarfrestur til 20. febrśar
Styrkveitingar Išnašarrįšuneytis undir merkjum
Įtaks til atvinnusköpunar
Auglżst hefur veriš eftir umsóknum um Įtak til atvinnusköpunar. Umsóknarfrestur er til 20. febrśar 2006.
Įtak til atvinnusköpunar veitir ašeins styrki til tvennskonar verkefna:
1. Verkefna sem eru į forstigi nżsköpunar og falla ekki undir verksviš annarra sem veita sambęrilega fyrirgreišslu.
2. Verkefna sem eru skilgreind sem sérstök įtaksverkefni rįšuneytisins.
Frekari upplżsingar fįst hjį Impru ķ s. 570-7267, hjį atak@iti.is.
Nįnar um Įtak til atvinnusköpunar.
2006-2-13 20.2.2006
Višburšur IRC Future Match - fyrirtękjastefnumót į CeBIT upplżsinga- og fjarskiptatęknisżningunni
Evrópumišstöš Impru stendur aš fyrirtękjastefnumóti į CeBIT upplżsinga- og fjarskiptatęknisżningunni ķ Hannover, dagana 9. 12. mars nęstkomandi.
Fyrirtękjastefnumótiš sem haldiš er įrlega og kallast IRC Future Match er skipulagt ķ samvinnu viš samstarfsašila ķ Evrópu.
CeBIT er stęrsta sżning ķ Evrópu į sviši upplżsinga- og fjarskiptatękni og er haldin ķ mars įr hvert ķ Hannover. Samstarfsašilar Evrópumišstöšvar Impru standa fyrir fyrirtękjastefnumóti, s.k. "IRC Future Match", ķ tengslum viš sżninguna og gefst ķslenskum fyrirtękjum kostur į aš taka žįtt. Fyrirtękjastefnumótiš er góš leiš fyrir fyrirtęki, rannsóknastofnanir og hįskóla til aš komast ķ tęknisamstarf į sviši upplżsinga- og fjarskiptatękni.
Starfsmenn Evrópumišstöšvar Impru ašstoša ķslenska ašila viš skrįningu og žįtttöku. Einnig er hęgt aš skrį sig til žįtttöku beint į heimasķšu stefnumótsins į - http://www.futurematch.cebit.de.
2006-2-13 27.2.2006
Stašsetning Landsbyggšin
Višburšur Auglżst er eftir umsóknum um styrki til žróunar į nżrri žjónustu eša vörum
Impra nżsköpunarmišstöš į Akureyri auglżsir eftir umsóknum um styrk til žróunar ķ starfandi fyrirtękjum. Styrkurinn, sem er bęši faglegur og fjįrhagslegur, į aš styšja fyrirtęki ķ öllum atvinnugreinum į landsbyggšinni, til žess aš žróa samkeppnishęfa žjónustu eša vöru fyrir innanlandsmarkaš eša til śtflutnings.
Tilgangur verkefnisins er:
- Aš ašstoša fyrirtęki viš stjórnun žróunarverkefnis
- Aš vinna aš faglegum śrlausnum viš žróun markašsmįl
- Aš koma žjónustu eša vöru į markaš innan 18 mįnaša
Stušningur til fyrirtękja sem verša fyrir valinu getur numiš aš hįmarki 1.500.000 kr. eftir ešli og umfangi verkefnis og er veittur gegn a.m.k. jafn hįu framlagi styrkžega.
Umsóknarfrestur er til 27. febrśar 2006
Nįnari upplżsingar um verkefniš veitir Siguršur Steingrķmsson, verkefnisstjóri, ķ sķma 460-7972.
2006-2-13 2.3.2006
Višburšur HT Wintersport: High Technologies Applied to Winter Sports New
Taking the occasion of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games TORINO 2006 Centro Estero Camere Commercio Piemontesi, in collaboration with the Chamber of commerce of Turin in the frame of the ALPS IRC project, will organise a brokerage event related to Advanced Technologies applied to Winter and Mountain Sports.
The aim of the Event is to create possibilities for co-operation and technology transfer agreements among manufacturing companies and/or research centres. A series of 30-min bilateral meetings will be organised for each participant upon request.
YOU CAN BE EITHER A EUROPEAN COMPANY OR A RESEARCH CENTRE operating in the following specific technology sectors:
- Advanced materials for winter sport equipment
- Advanced textiles for winter sport clothing
- Technologies for telecommunications, localisation, safety and rescue applications in mountain sports
- Specific equipment and devices for practice of paralympic sports and use of disabled people in general
Nįnari upplżsingar.
2006-2-13 8.3.2006
Višburšur IRC Brokerage Event at MEDTEC 2006
IRC Stuttgart-Erfurt-Zürich (Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum) will organise the second consecutive IRC Brokerage Event at MEDTEC 2006 in Stuttgart on 8th March 2006. The MEDTEC Show itself takes place in Stuttgart from 7. - 9. March 2006 (www.medtecshow.com).
MEDTEC is mainland Europes only dedicated medical device manufacturers suppliers exhibition where design and manufacturing professionals from the medical device industry can source new technologies and suppliers. Over 5,000 such professionals attended the 2005 exhibition.
IRC Stuttgart-Erfurt-Zürich will organise a medical technologies brokerage event during the MEDTEC 2006 on 7-9 March in Stuttgart, Germany. Companies, research institutes and universities operating in the medical devices sector who are interested in transnational co-operation are invited to participate in the MEDTEC 2006 brokerage event. At the brokerage event companies and research institutes will have the opportunity to make contact with potential partners to discuss business partnerships.
2006-2-13 8.3.2006
Višburšur Waste-to-Energy Seminar and Brokerage Event
IRC Enterprise Ireland will organise a Seminar and Brokerage Event, focused on Waste-to-Energy technologies, in association with the Irish Water, Waste and Environment (IWWE), and the Irish Recycling & Waste Management (IRWM), Exhibitions on March 8th and 9th 2006 in Dublin, Ireland.
Companies and research institutes that have interests in the development and commercialisation of technolgies associated with the processing and conversion of waste-to-energy, are invited to participate in the search for transnational cooperation partners at this event.
At the Brokerage Event, the organisations will have the opportunity to register their specific technology offer or request interests, in order to meet with potential partners for technology transfer and commercial agreements.
Topics covered at the event will include:
- Waste collection, handling and transportation
- Waste classifciation, separation and segregation
- Thermal treatment, gasification, incineration and pyrolysis
- Sterilisation, passivation
- Anaerobic digestion, biogas
- Biomass, refuse derived fuels, biodiesel
- Treatment Systems for: municipal waste, industrial waste, agricultural, medical waste, hazardous/toxic waste
- Measurement and monitoring equipment, test kits, remote monitoring, risk management.
The topic Waste-to-Energy combines the activities of two IRC Thematic Groups - Environment and Renewable Energy, in their efforts to further transnational technology cooperation.
Nįnari upplżsingar er aš finna hjį Evrópumišstöš Impru.
2006-2-13 9.3.2006
Višburšur IRC Future Match 2006
On the occasion of CeBIT 2006, the worlds leading fair for information and communication technologies, IRC Lower Saxony/Saxony-Anhalt with the support of IRC Northern Germany and the ICT TG of the IRC Network will again organise the brokerage event IRC FUTURE MATCH. The aim is to help exhibitors and visitors of the fair to find partners in Europe for technology-oriented partnerships. Companies, universities and research institutes in the ICT sector are invited to use this platform to establish new cross-border contacts for future collaboration. The dates of the fair are 9-15 March 2006 and the brokerage event will last from 9-11 March plus one additional as a kind of backup capacity on 12 March. However, the stand will be available for bilateral meetings during the whole week, on individual request of both parties.
Additionally, thematically focussed round-table meetings for up to 10 persons each will be organised on 12 and 13 March. Also, an interesting programme with presentations will be offered at the forum FUTURE TALK. The topics will be announced on the events website.
Participation in the event is free of charge. Participants will only have to pay the entrance fee to the fair. IRC FUTURE MATCH 2006 takes place again in hall 9 within the future park area. Further elements are the communications forum FUTURE TALK and the exhibition area FUTURE MARKET. (Further information at: http://www.cebit.de/futureparc_e )
Online registration facilities and a pdf-flyer will be available the 1st of December 2005. The events Website is: http://www.futurematch.cebit.de
- Online registration: 1st December 2005 - 13th February 2006
- Meeting requests: 20th February
- Confirmation of meetings: 24th February
- Meeting schedules (first version): 1st March
Nįnari upplżsingar fįst hjį Evrópumišstöš Impru.
2006-2-13 13.3.2006
Višburšur TECNOMUEBLE 2006 - Furniture Brokerage Event
IRC CENEMES (Instituto de Fomento de la Region de Murcia), CETEM (Furniture and Wood Technological Centre of Region Murcia) and AREMA (Regional Association of Woods Enterprises) will organise on 13th and 14th March 2006 a Brokerage Event in the frame of II Forum for Co-operation and Technological Transfer in the Furniture Sector, which will run in parallel to the celebration of the 45th Furniture Fair in Yecla, Murcia.
The principal objective is to promote and facilitate contacts between furniture sector enterprises at national and European level, with the purpose of carrying out agreements of enterprise co-operation and technological transfer that contributes to improving their competitiveness;
In this event will take place the following acts:
- Brokerage event between Spanish enterprises and other countries of Europe
- Technical reports about some different kinds of enterprise cooperation that will be carried out by experts in industrial cooperation
- Exhibition of innovating production systems, advanced machinery and emergent technologies, with application or applicability to said sector
This event is targeted to: manufacturers and/or dealers of: upholstery for furniture, raw materials for 1st transformation (boards, panels, veneer, etc), furniture and upholstered furniture, specific machinery for furniture and wood sectors, auxiliary components (ironworks, adhesives, varnishes, etc); subcontractors of different furniture manufacture processes; providers of different kinds of services, such as carriage, design, etc.
Schedule: 20th February: Deadline for registration and collection of profiles online; 28th February: Deadline for booking appointments for bilateral meetings.
Costs: the brokerage event costs 80 per person, payable in advance by means of bank transfer. The fee covers all catering services in the brokerage event, translation services and lunch (only first day).
Nįnari upplżsingar eru hjį Evrópumišstöš Impru.
2006-2-13 21.3.2006
Višburšur MariMatch II - International Marine Brokerage Event
The 2nd International brokerage event MariMatch at the worlds largest marine science and ocean technology meeting - Oceanology 2006 - is a platform that enables initial contact between potential technological partners specialised in the broad field of marine technology, with a focus on Kiel (Germany), Brest (France) and Gdansk (Poland). At the heart of MariMatch lies the targeted matching of complementary technology partners, who can exchange ideas confidentially, face-to-face and on neutral ground.
The principle is as simple as it is effective. The participants register their company and technology profiles online at www.marimatch.net before the beginning of the brokerage event. The profiles are then published in an online catalogue. Those in need of support in a specific technological field can find a suitable partner in the catalogue and book a meeting with them at the fair. The meetings will be arranged decentrally, i.e. they will take place at the booths of the participating companies. Well in advance of MariMatch, each participant will receive a meeting schedule. The subject of these meetings should be technical cooperation, licensing agreements, joint research projects, joint ventures or commercial agreements with technical support.
Online registration facilities will be available the 1st of December 2005. The events Website is: http://www.marimatch.net
The brokerage event MariMatch is a sub-project of InterMareC which is part of the European Community Initiative INTERREG IIIC programme. This programme is designed to support economic and social cohesion in the involved regions Schleswig-Holstein (Germany), Bretagne (France) and Pomerania (Poland) by promoting interregional (C) co-operation.
MariMatch is designed for companies and research institutes specialised in the broad field of marine technology. The brokerage event MariMatch is free of charge and is open for all European countries.
Nįnari upplżsingar eru hjį Evrópumišstöš Impru.
2006-2-13 23.3.2006
Višburšur Healthcare and Biopartnering Event - BioWales 2006
BioWales is the annual signature event for the Welsh bioscience sector. The event will be held on 23-24 March 2006 in the prestigious Vale Hotel Golf and Spa Resort, Cardiff, UK. The event will run over 2 days and will showcase and raise awareness of the Welsh bioscience sector to a commercial and academic audience, attracting world-class speakers, researchers and companies. To register for the event and see the full programme please visit www.wda.co.uk/biowales
Companies and academics will also have the opportunity to network and identify new business opportunities via the BIOPARTNERING event including a presence from the EU Medical Technologies Thematic Group (MTTG), which will run alongside the conference.
The benefits of the partnering event could be:
- To find new technologies or promote your own
- To network and find new business partners to develop your ideas
- To meet companies and academics from Wales, UK and Europe
- To promote your know-how and expertise
- To find out more about the bioscience sector in Wales, UK and Europe
The partnering event will provide delegates with the opportunity to meet potential business partners in pre-arranged meetings, discuss collaboration and technology transfer.
The business benefits could be many...
BioWales 2006 hosted over 130 one-to-one meetings with many successful interactions. If you would like to submit a technology profile for the 2006 catalogue the deadline is 20 February 2006. Please complete the on-line profile form or contact the Wales Relay Centre, details below.
Nįnari upplżsingar eru hjį Evrópumišstöš Impru.
2006-2-13 28.3.2006
Višburšur FinMed 2006 Partnering Event
IRC Finland and Tekes will organise together with the IRC Network a two-day partnering event on March 28th and 29th, 2006 at the FinMed 2006 conference.
FinMed 2006 - the 2nd International Conference on Bioreactor Technology in cell, tissue culture and biomedical applications will be held in Saariselkä, Lapland, Finland from 27 to 31 March, 2006. This year the additional theme for the conference is molecular farming, which is a fast-growing application in the production of high-value proteins in plants using conventional agricultural technology. More information about the conference www.biobien.com.
The partnering event is an interface between research and the private sector allowing new technologies, processes, patents and licenses to be offered and experiences in financing, production, marketing and distribution to be requested, thus bringing compatible partners together. The participants will have the opportunity to get to know selected partners during individual discussions, which aim to pave the way for future co-operation.
The FinMed 2006 partnering event is the ideal environment for:
- Enterprises offering and/or using innovative technologies
- Enterprises that are looking for expertise and know-how in the areas of production, marketing and distribution or wish to provide this knowledge to others
- Scientists and research institutes offering application-oriented research results
- Start-ups
- Investors
For the FinMed 2006 Partnering Event a catalogue of company profiles and technology offers and requests will be available electronically and will allow participating companies and organisations to organise their individual meetings in advance.
The FinMed 2006 Partnering Event will be free of charge. Those who want to participate the FinMed 2006 Conference only during the Partnering Event, will find a separate conference package for 28th and 29th March on the Web page of the conference.
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2006-2-13 24.4.2006
Višburšur Hannover Technology Co-operation Event 2006
The Hannover Technology Co-operation Event 2006 will be a brokerage event for Energy Technologies in the frame of the Hannover Industrial Fair (Hannover Messe 2006), the world-leading fair for all industrial topics. 300.000 visitors from all over the world use this market place for organising their business.
In 2006, the Hannover Industrial Fair takes place from 24 to 28 April 2006. Main topic of the Hannover Messe 2006 will be Energy.
Within the fair IRC Lower Saxony/Saxony-Anhalt together with its partners will organise a Co-operation-Event for the fifth time.
Because of the wide range of interesting topics, the organisers are focusing on ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES.
Related technologies are:
- Renewable Energy Technologies
- Hybrid Systems
- Energy transmission, distribution
- Mesurements and testings
- Process engineering in this field
ENERGY is a Part fair of the bigger Hannover fair and will show the wide range of technologies in this field. Please have a look here:
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