Menntun: Mannvirkja-og burðarþolsverkfræði (C.Sc.) Sérmenntun í málmsuðuverkfræði, Háskólinn í Álaborg.
Áherslusvið: Ráðgjöf um stálvirki og málmsuðu með áherslu á gæðastýringu og gæðaeftirlit.
1983: C.Sc. from Aalaborg University in Denmark, 3 1/2 years, constructions department, with emphasis on steel structures.
1977: Preparatory year completed. Tækniskóli Íslands (Technical College of Iceland).
1976: Journeyman certificate in blacksmithing.
Continuing Education:
1993-94: Diploma course in Welding Engineering at TWI Abington Cambridge UK. Processes and equipment, design, fabrication and materials and their behavior.
Work experience:
1985- : Technological Institute of Iceland ( IceTec). Project manager and division manager: Quality control of welding and steel structures, welding consult, testing of materials.
1983-84: COWI consult in Denmark. Design and quality control; welding consult and design of steel structures.
Fabrication of welded structures: 5 years in total, various Companies in Iceland (ship building and bridge construction etc).
1985- : Reykjavik University and University of Iceland, from 1985. Lecturer for mechanical and civil engineering students. Subjects: Welding technology, Materials, Standards, and Quality assurance.
University of Iceland, Continuing Education for Engineers: Total 6 courses. Thought in Welding technology, Materials, Standards and Quality assurance.
Description of other scientific and technical activities:
Lecturer on three different Welding and NDT conferences in Finland, Denmark and Norway. Chairman of the technical committee for the NSM welding conference in Iceland 2000.
Standardization work for the Icelandic Council for Standardization: Participating in Nordic (INSTA) and European (CEN) programs. SC1: Welding procedures SC4: Quality and SC5B: NDT. Member of the national working group for Metal end engineering standardization.
Representative for the Icelandic industry in European Welding Federation, EWF.
Member of the American Welding Society, since 1987.
Member of the Nordic NORDTEST NDT-technical-group.